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Experience the Difference

When faced with challenges or hurdles, there are many things out of our control. Some things that we can control are our attitude and how we decide to view the challenge. Resilient people are able to view a problem as an opportunity for success and a chance to learn and better themselves. If you always stay in your comfort zone and avoid situations where you might fail or be uncomfortable, then there is no way for you to grow as an individual. Take the risk of being rejected and feel the discomfort that comes with it. Taking chances helps you grow as a person.
Everyone will experience bad days and we all go through our share of crises. We have a choice in how we react to problems: we can choose a path panic and negativity, or we can choose to remain calm and logical to take control and find a solution. Your reaction is always up to you.
When the shit hits the fan, you want to be the person that everyone turns to, and they turn to you because they know that you will approach the issue in the right way.

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